We Help Companies Make Better Financial Decisions

KJA Riana Sitawati adalah kantor jasa akuntansi di semarang yang memiliki bentuk usaha berbadan hukum yang diakui secara resmi di Indonesia untuk memberikan jasa akuntansi.

KJA License Number Riana Sitawati : Keputusan Menteri Keuangan Nomor 55/KM.1PPPK/2017 tanggal 12 Juni 2017

Why we are the best


KJA Riana Sitawati has a legal entity formally recognized in Indonesia to provide accounting services.


Services provided by KJA Riana Sitawati have fulfilled the quality control system set by the Association of Professional Accountants and supervised by the Government through the Ministry of Finance.


KJA Riana Sitawati has competent staff in its field, led by accountant with state status having professionalism and integrity.


The implementation of KJA Riana Sitawati is done by sticking to the code of ethics and professional standard set by the Association of Indonesian Accounting Professions.

Efficiency and Effectivity

KJA Staff Riana Sitawati is a professional staff who have sufficient knowledge in the field of accounting so as to provide solutions to every problem faced by the client. Thus the costs incurred more efficiently and the results are more effective than recruiting employees themselves who have not been trained.

Contact information

Please contact us for more information


Jl. Tirtoagung 44 Pedalangan

Banyumanik Semarang 50268


+62 811 2880 360


Dr. Riana Sitawati is the founder of KJA Riana Sitawati who has had experience since 1999 as a lecturer and practitioner.

In addition to profession as a lecturer, Dr. Riana Sitawati has various practical experience as a consultant both at home and abroad. Domestically, while abroad, the experience gained includes being a management accountant and an information systems auditor at the Queensland Audit Office, Australia.

Frequently asked questions

In principle, KJA and KAP are almost the same, both provide accounting services. What distinguishes is, KJA is not allowed to provide insurance services (audit), while the KAP can.

Users of KJA services can vary from individuals, cooperatives, foundations, legal entities in the form of Firm, CV, PT, BUMD or BUMN.

No, KJA can provide accounting services for any kind of business, whether Small, Medium or Large / Corporate.

You do not have to worry, KJA Riana Sitawati guarantees the confidentiality of corporate data because we are bound to the Code of Professional Ethics.

Yes. In accordance with the Regulations, KJA Riana Sitawati can provide non-assurance services such as making accounting information systems, bookkeeping, compilation or review of financial statements.

No. We also provide services in the field of taxation, management accounting, accounting information systems and management strategies (See Services on this website). In addition, we also provide research and training services, especially in accounting, taxation and management.

The amount of the fee depends on various factors such as the amount of the transaction, the scale of the company and the associated risk.